Shenzhen Hysincere Battery Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Hysincere Battery Co., Ltd


HYSINCERE insist to navigate by high quality core cell and
highly qualified staffs in the vast sea so to the distance

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Battery Topics

What are the low temperature heating methods of lithium batteries?

    The low temperature heating method of lithium batteries circulating on the market is mainly the following two chargers heating and protecting the protective board heating.  Charger heating  The fi

The difference between power battery and energy storage battery

    1. The main advantages of energy storage lead -acid batteries:  1. The raw materials are easy, and the price is relatively low;  2. High -power discharge performance is good;  3. Good temperature

How to choose FPV batteries?

    When we choose the FPV battery, have we noticed the mark on the inner ring? Generally speaking, the batteries and bracelets sold by regular brands are marked with marks. We can distinguish from th

Advantages of Ni-MH battery

    1. High energy density.  With the same volume, the capacity is relatively high. Taking the common No. 5 battery as an example, the nominal capacity of NiMH battery can reach 2900mAh (milliampere h

What are the common lithium battery low temperature heating technology?

    Pre -heating of lithium batteries is one of the effective ways to solve the problem of low temperature characteristics of lithium batteries. The use of lithium battery's own power to provide p

Balanced principle of battery pack

    Assuming that CELL1 is balanced during the battery pack discharge process, at this time the charger is disconnected, the transistor T2 and T3 are kept off, and the T1 is turned on. The circuit con

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